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Follow Through.

Ok. One-on-One Appointments. This is where you shine. 


Developing rapport, asking the right questions (the right way), and dazzling them with your credibility and interactive presentation's all going to bring your new clients closer to their version of the PremiumLife™ (and you too).

Master the Fact Finder

Follow Through Step 1:

The first appointment is all about discovery and building rapport. Get to know your new clients and let them get to know you. They will only do business with people they like.



Remember, at this point, you aren't trying to steal them away from their current advisor. You want to simply offer a second opinion and then offer strategies that will compliment what they currently have in place. Once you build a foundation of trust, their other accounts, and possibly those of their friends and family members, will follow.

Image by Gabrielle Henderson
FT Step 1


It's not an interview. It is a dialogue between you and the client to encourage them to share information and feel comfortable in doing so. Instead of handing them a fact finder, rather use the fact finder as a guideline for the questions that need to be answered, and ask them in an approachable and delicate manner. Put them at ease, so they will trust you and want to work with you.



Be sure to listen. When you ask the questions, avoid sounding too intrusive. Asking about their hobbies, goals, children and grandchildren is a great way to help break the ice while still uncovering important details that will help you design an enticing proposal for them that satisfies their needs and helps them achieve their goals.


  • Always schedule their next appointment while they are still in your office. Even if you have to put a tentative time down, it is always easier to get them to commit to a second meeting in person rather than having to chase them down afterwards.

It's all in how you say it. If you have done a good job at remaining approachable and focusing on gaining their trust, they should be open to meeting with you again to see customized designs.


At the end of the appointment, refer to their goals they have provided on the fact finder and say, "If I could show you something that would provide you [GOAL1, GOAL2, and GOAL3], would you be willing to meet again so I can explain it to you?" Then, give specific options as to when they could come back.

Image by Carlos Muza

Utilize UFC's Sales Tools

Follow Through Step 2:

FT Step 2

This is where things get interesting. After submitting the completed fact-finder to UFC, you will have a cash flow analysis, full proposal, and a branded online presentation to use in your 2nd appointment. Your dedicated UFC representative is happy to go through the materials with you before your appointment, or even assist via webinar if you find it necessary, ensuring you feel as comfortable and confident as possible with the design and presentation.


Present cash flow analysis to the client to help them understand their optimized distribution schedule.


This thorough report will show them how without adding or removing any investments, you can help them make sure they organize their current plan as strategically as possible.

The report will also include explanation on how adding an IUL to their plan, funded simply by re-positioning current assets, can add tax-free income to their retirement over and above what they already had planned. This extra income can be used for funding a child or grandchild's college tuition, their own long term care plan, or that boat they always wanted!

After discussing with your client the impact of re-positioning their assets and the initial plan designed to help them achieve the goals you had previously discussed, additional adjustments may need to be made.

As you uncover gaps and areas of opportunity within their current plan, bring your notes back to your dedicated internal wholesaler for guidance on how to adjust the plan to meet exactly what your client has in mind.


All of our sales tools can be found on your fully branded and scripted sales track for both Premium Finance and IUL cases. It includes videos, interactive calculators, historical performance reports, and more to help you not only explain the concept but to address any concern or objection that may come your way.

Image by Peggy Anke

Ask the Experts

Follow Through Step 3:

FT Step 3

We are confident that our first-class resources paired with the extensive expertise of our dedicated sales, design, and processing team will bring real value to an advisor looking to elevate their reputation in the financial services industry.


Our internal experts will dedicate one-on-one time with the advisor to prep for each meeting and even sit in on the meeting with the client if necessary to help move the sales forward. 


We believe in the value of building relationships, not only between the advisor and the retail client, but between us and the advisor as well. Therefore, our partnership goes way beyond placing cases. We are committed to helping advisors realize their full potential and achieve their biggest goals...that's the PremiumLife™.

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