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Use these tips to wow the crowd and set at least 80% appointments, 100% of the time.

Image by Dane Deaner

Execute Step 1:

Confirm RSVP's

Always call responders the day they register to confirm their reservation, and also the day before the event to confirm their attendance.

Think of it as seminar insurance, and a chance to warm up the relationship!
This is a great task to pass over to your support staff. Doing so will take it off of your plate and also allow the attendees to feel more comfortable when they check in at the event since they would have already had 2 pleasant (but short) conversations with your assistant/support staff.

Phone Scripts:



"Hello again [Mr. or Mrs. LAST NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY], hosting the dinner seminar you registered for tomorrow evening.


I am looking forward to meeting you in person and was calling you to confirm.


Our event will start promptly at [TIME] so we suggest you arrive at least 15 minutes before hand to get a good seat and to get your order in. The presentation will last about 35 minutes and dinner will be served after that.


I look forward to meeting you in person!"



"Hello [Mr. or Mrs. LAST NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY], thank you for registering yourself and your guest for our upcoming dinner seminar on [DATE].


I wanted to let you know that we have reserved a spot for you and your guest and will call you the day before the event to confirm your attendance.


I am sure you will find the information valuable and the meal delicious!

Execute Step 1

Set the Stage

Execute Step 2:

Image by Zakaria Zayane
Execute Step 2

This is more important than you may think. The flow of the event is a reflection of how you do business - so you need this to make a good impression.




The ideal set up is 4-6 guests at a crescent table. This will ensure no guest has their back turned to the presentation screen. Some agents have found it helpful to set an extra chair at the table, in front of or to the side of the table if there is room, to use when setting the appointments.


Before the guests arrive, make sure the service staff understands they can offer the attendees one glass of wine after they are seated, provide water, and take their dinner order. Bread and "family style" appetizers are to be brought to the table as guests are arriving.

After the guests place their order, have the servers immediately bring out their salad. By the time you are ready to start, most guests would have finished and their plates can be cleared away. Now, they have some food in their stomachs that will help keep them focused on what you have to say in the presentation.


Be sure to ask the servers how long of a heads up they will need to plate the food, and alert them appropriately. Typically, this is about 15 minutes. Once the presentation begins, the doors should be shut and service is to stop. This minimizes distraction so you can keep the attention of the guests as much as possible.


  • Plenty of pens

  • Handouts to collect attendee info (provided by UFC)

  • Business Cards or Appointment Reminder Cards

  • Check-in Sheet

  • Laptop with Presentation

  • HDMI/Adapter Cord (in case restaurant cannot accommodate)

  • Printed or digital calendar

This is what it all comes down to...Right? Wrong! This is just the start. Remember, the attendees showed up because they fit a targeted profile and are qualified for the strategies to be discussed.


Sure, you may have some that show up and seem more to have found the invitation that fell off the mail truck, but for the most part - they are there for a reason. Don't be intimidated. You have the information they want and need to hear. Our statistics prove they will set an appointment.

Image by STIL
Execute Step 3

Get Appointments

Execute Step 3:


  • Instead of asking when they are available, give them more of a specific option.

For example, "Are Tuesdays or Thursdays better for you?" [Thursday]. "Great. Morning or afternoon?" [Afternoon]. "How about 2pm?"


Once you confirm, write their slot on your calendar and also on your business card. Hand the business card back to the client and let them know you will be calling them tomorrow to confirm. Thank them for coming and tell them to enjoy their meal. Then, on to the next.


This is an opportunity to start building rapport. Remember, they will do business with you, but they have to like you and your team first. Thank them for attending, confirm their appointment time, and let them know you will follow up with an email with directions to your office. Make sure they understand the appointment is complimentary and casual, just to get to know each other to see if you uncover a way you can help them (which, we know you will!).


If a question comes up about a topic discussed at the seminar, have your assistant simply say you (the agent) will gladly address their question in their appointment.

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